Changing Communities For The Better.
Supporting the most vulnerable in our society
PATIKO has been supporting our most marginalised community members since 1999 (over 20 years). We are small but mighty, we listen, we outreach, we remain rooted in our core values that every human matters regardless of background. The system does not fit everyone, many people fall through the system, so we aim to provide whatever support we can to ensure everyone in society is given the best a chance to live a life of quality and thrive.
Supporting Basic Needs: Access to Food & Clothing
The most vulnerable in our communities lack access to regular income whether they be victims of trafficking, homeless, undocumented migrants, refugees or women fleeing domestic abuse. Some have no support networks, immediate family or language barriers. We ensure they get access to food, clothing, care packs, toiletries, feminine products and school packs for their children.
Supporting Refugees, Undocumented Migrants and Victims of Trafficking
We believe that all people no matter their legal status need all the support to fulfil their aspirations and live a life a quality. We provide a safe space for marginalised members of the community to seek support, guidance, advocacy and referrals. We work deeply, listening, building long term relationships and trust. Some of our trustees were supported years ago.
Health and Wellbeing
Healthy body and healthy mind are core to our delivery no matter the beneficiary. Supporting mental health through conversations, walk and talks, befriending, pampering days or physical health through dance, exercise, cycling and yoga. We also promote healthy food choices, sharing of cultural food and deliver health checks.
Women’s Support
We are a female led organisation aiming to uplift and inspire women from all backgrounds to fulfil their potential. Whether coming back into work after childcare or rebuilding ones life after challenging times, we offer a variety of services to from confidence building workshops, entrepreneurship sessions to mentoring.
Creativity, Arts & Culture, Skills and Education
Arts and Culture feed the soul and helps heal. Our community hail from a variety of rich backgrounds adding to the diversity we see locally. We celebrate this by supporting and nurturing heritage, languages, creativity and the sharing identity. We use all this also as a tool to build fusions skills.
“With the long term support from PATIKO, I am now training to be a midwife. I was a trafficked child”
— Ayona 27 yrs

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Tel: 020 8552 6714
email: admin “at” patikobakers.org.uk